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Great Lakes EMS Inc. members are comprised of provides from all walks of life to include

Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics and Registered Nurses.  

The selection process to bring new members into this organization is focused on recruiting individuals who are service oriented and have an interest in "Action Sports". We believe that the most important asset that any organization has is its staff. Great Lakes EMS Inc. / Action Sports EMS invests heavily in the initial and ongoing training of all of our members. Member retention is a high priority and this is accomplished by treating team members as valued members of a tight knit family of providers.


The interview process is invite only, applicants are choosen by Action Sports team members.

If chosen to interview you will be given the opportunity to spend the day with the Actions Sports crew while servicing an event. 

You will be allowed to get as involved as you feel comfortable and you will be able to provide care up to your scope of practice.

A mentor or officer will be with you at all times, job shadow is required to acquire a position and to become a team member.

Attention to detail in EMS is a must, start by completing the application in its entirety.  (Incomplete applications will be discarded.)

© 2024 Great Lakes EMS Inc./ Action Sports EMS
All photos are the property of Great Lakes EMS Inc.


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